Don't Fall for Fake Salt

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy


Salt is important to the body. It helps to regulate the amount of fluid in and out of our cells, carries nutrients, mineralizes our body with nutrients necessary for biochemical processes. Ironically, it even helps regulate blood pressure! Salt is important for cognitive function, digestion and metabolism, cardiovascular efficiency, endocrine function and nerve conduction. Composed of both sodium and chloride, salt is a mineral that has received a bad reputation as causing various health issues, such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular risk. 

It is important to note, however, that all salt is not created equally. There is a lot of “fake” salt out there! Fake salt would include the salt in processed, packaged food and the salt in your standard salt shaker. It’s true that fake salt is bad for your health!



Pure, real salt, however, is actually good for you, and the research even shows that eating too little salt can have some serious negative health consequences. The research also shows no evidence between eating a low-salt diet (real salt, not fake salt) and preventing cardiovascular disease, stroke and death. 

You can check out the research on salt here. 



So, let’s look closer at what is meant by “fake” salt because it is hidden everywhere and labeled in ways that might make you think it’s fancy and good for you. Take for example, the term “refined salt.” Refined salt, which is usually the salt in your salt shaker, sounds as if it’s dressed for success for your body, but it’s simply another term for “processed” and should be avoided. Anything “refined” has been altered from its original state, and your goal is to stay as close to something’s original state as possible, as nature intended. 

Refined salt is heated at exceedingly high temperatures to change the natural chemical state, then cleaned, dried and sifted with excipients and flow agents to reduce caking and promote better flow from your salt shaker. These additional ingredients can be harmful to your health, some of which have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and possibly other health issues that are generally pinned on ALL salt rather than just refined, fake salt. 

Iodine is also added to refined salt. While iodine is necessary and many people are iodine deficient, the form of iodine in refined salt is not readily bioavailable to our systems, and it’s simply not enough to make a positive impact. It is recommended to supplement with iodine on its own or obtain it from foods that are naturally rich in iodine. 

Consuming fake salt can result in edema and other health issues. You can be certain that nearly all processed foods that come in a box contain fake salt, so your best bet is to cook your meals at home as much as possible, read labels, shop the outside perimeter of the grocery store (where the real food exists) and avoid foods of convenience which are more than sprinkled with chemicals. 



Himalayan salt is known for its pink hue and is derived from the Himalayan mountains. It is in its natural state and one of the purest salts on the planet, untainted by industrial toxins and containing optimal amounts of minerals that help support our bodies. These minerals include iron, calcium and magnesium along with sodium and potassium.  Himalayan salt contains about 15% less sodium chloride than fake salt due to its “other mineral” content--all of which support various systemic functions. 



A pinch of Himalayan salt in your water can help rebalance electrolytes and remedy dehydration, relieve headaches, detoxify the system and improve nutrient absorption. Himalayan salt also is alkalizing, so it helps rebalance pH. Grind away! 



Similar to Himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt is rich in minerals, such as magnesium, and it is lower in sodium than refined salt. It is sourced from France’s Celtic Sea, hence, its name. 

Celtic sea salt is extremely hygroscopic, meaning that it retains moisture, so don’t be surprised if it seems a bit “wet.” It’s not pink like Himalayan salt; pure Celtic sea salt will almost seem bluish-gray due to its mineral content. Like Himalayan salt, Celtic sea salt is a healthier alternative to refined salt, contains other minerals responsible for multiple functions and provides multiple health benefits. 



Still a better option than refined salt, sea salt that is not specifically Celtic sea salt still contains some minerals such as iron and zinc--but has a price. Derived from evaporated seawater, it may also include some of the ocean’s contaminants, such as mercury. Sea salt absorbs these heavy metals and may not be as pure as Celtic sea salt simply based on where it is sourced. 



The bottom line is that salt is not just a general term--it needs to be dissected, classified and evaluated before consuming. Throw away your fake salt and opt for either Himalayan or Celtic sea salt. Most importantly, change the way you "see salt" and "sea salt" --it’s more your friend than your enemy!


Another micronutrient which is actually an element with multiple systemic functions called boron. Did you know that boron used to be plentiful in our soil and was even added to foods as a natural preservative? Boron was replaced decades ago with artificial preservatives under the claim they “worked better.” Unfortunately, artificial ingredients don’t promote health and might even negate it. Today, many people are deficient in boron, possibly contributing to such health issues as brittle bones, malabsorption of key minerals and nutrients, such as vitamin D and magnesium, hormonal imbalances and more. 

Boron helps your body metabolize key vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium and vitamin D, which all play a huge role in skeletal health. If your body doesn’t get enough boron, magnesium cannot be fully absorbed. Without magnesium, vitamin D cannot be properly absorbed and utilized. Calcium excretion through urine also will increase, meaning that the calcium is not going to your bones and teeth where it’s needed. This can be very bad news for your bones. The good news is that proper supplementation with boron can reverse these issues within a month. 



Our Bio Boron is available in 3 strengths, providing you with flexibility in dosing, based on your individual needs. We recommend beginning with our 5 mg strength and increasing from there, if needed. 


