Iodine and Your Breasts

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

It’s common knowledge that iodine is essential for optimal body function. There’s much existing research regarding its role in thyroid function and reducing the risk of goiters. Evidence is mounting, however, on iodine’s role in reducing the risk of other health issues, such as breast cancer. This evidence shows that iodine contains anti-inflammatory properties, is a powerful antioxidant and may even have proapoptotic effects.


Iodine is stored in higher concentrations in not just the thyroid, but also in women’s reproductive organs and tissues—the breasts, ovaries and cervix. It’s not yet known the extent that iodine plays in women’s health and reproductive organs, but enough evidence exists that it plays a vital role optimal health and wellness—for men, as well. Iodine may also have protective properties that prevent prostate cancer, according to research.

Iodine helps with fibrocystic breast disease, which is an issue for about 50% of women. Supplementing with iodine may help with lumpiness and tenderness that characterizes fibrous breast tissue. 

Although only required in small amounts, iodine fights free radicals in breast tissue. Diets high in iodine correlate with reduced breast cancer risk. Studies have shown that iodine helps protect and prevent abnormal cells from forming in breast tissue and may be instrumental in preventing breast, uterine and ovarian cancers. Iodine may also benefit those with ovarian cysts, such as women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  Dr. George Flechas, in fact, has gone so far as to state that breast cancer is an absence of iodine!

Iodine also binds to heavy metals and contaminants that can be harmful to the body, such as mercury, fluoride, chloride and bromine. It supports proper digestion, as well, helping to provide the right levels of hydrochloric acid to digest food and keep the gut mucosa healthy. Hormone signaling is also influenced by optimal levels of iodine.

Overall, many Americans have low iodine levels. Although our table salt may be fortified with iodine, this form is not readily bioavailable and it’s not enough to make a difference.

To add to this deficit, our food, cleaning products, personal care products and other environmental elements contribute to chronic exposure to halogens, which further rob us of iodine. If our bodies don’t get enough iodine from our diets, we will uptake all of these other halogens, creating and contributing to an iodine deficiency.

Halogens are non-metal elements on the periodic table that share similar chemical properties and include fluoride, chlorine and bromine. Halogens are so similar in their chemical structure to iodine that they bind and compete for the same receptor sites, and in doing so, they prohibit our body’s ability to absorb and utilize iodine. Although iodine IS a halogen, it’s the only halogen that is non-toxic to humans and vital for our health.


Toxic halogens are everywhere! Iodine was once added to dough to soften the bread but was removed in the 1970s.  Instead, bromine was added to bread as well as many household products. Bromine depletes the body of iodine.

Do you drink Mountain Dew or Gatorade? These soft drinks contain Bromine. Fluoride is in our drinking water and dental treatments. Chlorine is in your cleaning products, pharmaceuticals and plastics.

Removing these toxins from your life is important prior to iodine supplementation. Switch to organic foods, non-teflon coated pots and pans, non-fluorinated toothpaste and natural cleaning products. Consider a detox protocol that helps remove these toxins from your system as well as support your liver through this detoxification process. This will help your body more readily absorb and utilize iodine.


Your body needs iodine for various functions, and many Americans are not getting enough to support optimal health and wellness. It’s evident by the growing number of thyroid issues and cancer in our society. Your thyroid requires approximately 6 mg of iodine a day. And your breasts? They need about 5 mg of iodine a day. In total, your body requires approximately 12 mg to maintain optimal levels and its vital health benefits.

So, who in the world has the highest iodine levels? If you guessed Japan, you’re spot on! On average, the Japanese population intakes about 13.8 mg of iodine a day, and they have the lowest rates of breast cancer and prostate cancer in the world.

You may have an iodine deficiency if you have any these symptoms:

Thyroid issues, typically hypothyroid

Chronic Fatigue


Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts or PCOS


Keloids or sebaceous cysts


Chronic dry eyes, lack of sweating, dry skin

Swollen eyes (upper lids and under eyes)

Cancers- stomach, prostate, breast, uterine, ovarian, thyroid


Aside from iodine, there are other supplements that help support breast health by fighting free radicals, increasing antioxidant activity and helping the body remove harmful toxins and excess estrogens and xenoestrogens


Our OncoProtect ES contains glucoraphanin (broccoli seed extract) and myrosinase (radish seed extract); the combination yields sulforaphane at a higher concentration than with glucroaphanin alone. 

Sulforaphane has demonstrated anti-cancer effects in a variety of different types of cancer, according to animal and test tube studies. It has proven to reduce the size of tumors as well as work as prevention. These studies utilized highly concentrated doses of sulforaphane.

Sulforaphane may block DNA’s ability to mutate, which stops cancer from proliferating, according to research.


Our DIM 3 + helps balance hormones along with providing the body with important antioxidants to fight free radicals. DIM also supports weight loss, enhances energy, boosts mood, improves memory and helps reduce systemic inflammation. Other ingredients such as turmeric and resveratrol help to balance hormones and manage estrogen dominance.

