You Might Need to Take This with Glutathione

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy


Not everyone’s system can utilize glutathione properly without a little help. If you have an autoimmune disorder, have toxic overload or are managing another chronic illness. You may have issues with proper glutathione metabolism.

So, how do you know that you’re not upregulating glutathione properly? If you’re taking s-acetyl glutathione, such as our Glutathione GOLD, and you’re not experiencing the benefits (an overall sense of wellness, boost in energy levels, sustained energy levels, anti-aging benefits, elevated mood, reduced inflammation, etc), your body may not be utilizing glutathione properly.

Glutathione may be cycling through your system without proper utility. You might even experience detox symptoms, such as nervousness, hand tremors, insomnia, fatigue heart palpitations and more.

Certain genes are responsible for glutathione upregulation and proper metabolism. When these genes are impaired due to toxin exposure, chronic illness and inflammation, the necessary enzymes responsible for proper creation AND recycling of glutathione are not properly secreted. It is estimated that 33% of the population can’t properly upregulate glutathione due to an issue with these genes.

In order to properly upregulate glutathione, those needing the extra liver support and co-factors necessary for glutathione metabolism might require additional nutrients that help with methylation.

Methylation Support:

Glutathione upregulation is linked with proper methylation. These two processes move in lockstep. Methylated B vitamins are critical to the body’s ability to product glutathione. Be sure to choose bioavailable forms, such as folate (active form of 5 methyltetrahydrofolate ), B6 in active form and the bioavailable form of B12, methylcobalamin.


If you have toxic overload or chronic illness, you may require additional co-factors to metabolize glutathione correctly. Glutathione upregulation is enhanced by the following:

Selenium: Selenium is important for thyroid function and other energy-producing roles in the body. It’s also an important mineral in glutathione production. Selenium serves as a cofactor of glutathione peroxidase, which is an antioxidant enzyme that protects cells from damage. Selenium helps the body to properly cycle glutathione in addition to creating more glutathione.

Molybdenum: The magical power of glutathione is its sulfur. Sulfur is sticky and binds to toxins and free radicals in the body, such as heavy metals, helping to remove them from the system. The enzyme sulfite oxidase works as a catalyst to convert sulfite to sulfate within the mitochondria. Molybdenum is required for sulfite oxidase to do this properly. Low levels of molybdenum could increase sulfite levels without conversion to sulfate, the form the body needs. Sulfite can build up in the system and cause issues.

Milk thistle (silymarin): Milk thistle helps to naturally boost glutathione levels and further detoxify the system, as it serves as a fellow antioxidant alongside glutathione. Milk thistle also helps with the liver’s utility of glutathione, increasing its efficiency. Constituents of this herb stop the breakdown of glutathione by liver enzymes and drive glutathione to the places in the body that require it most. Not only is milk thistle increasing glutathione concentration but it helps provide more strategic protection from oxidative stress.

Artichoke extract: Although limited to animal research, studies show that artichoke extract has powerful antioxidant properties and may help increase enzymatic activity responsible for increasing glutathione levels. Research indicates that artichoke extract may also possesses liver-protective properties that may guard the liver from damage as a result of toxin exposure as well as help the liver regenerate healthy cells.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is also an important antioxidant. We obtain it from foods but it is also intrinsically created by the body. Being both water and fat soluble, it can cross the blood brain barrier, so it’s important for brain health. Research has even indicated that it can bind to heavy metals, such as mercury, and help remove them from the brain. Alpha Lipoic Acid is also vital to glutathione synthesis. It increases the cellular uptake of cysteine, which is necessary for glutathione production.

If you have been exposed to toxics and suspect toxic overload, if you are managing a chronic illness or autoimmune disease, if you have had multiple surgeries that have left you vulnerable, if you have been on rounds of pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics over your lifetime---you likely need these additional co-factors to help with optimal glutathione upregulation and metabolism.



Our Liposomal Liver Detox + includes well-researched nutrient cofactors which are essential for glutathione recycling, methylation as well as the body’s numerous other biological processes:

European Milk Thistle Extract contains a flavonoid complex known as “silymarin” composed of silybin, silydianin, and silychristin – that may support healthy liver function.

Artichoke Extract helps to increase bile production by the liver which helps remove toxins and digest fats. Provides nutritional support for fatty liver.

Alpha-lipoic Acid is also a powerful antioxidant that is both water and fat soluble, thus able to offer an unusually wide range of cellular protection. Alpha-lipoic acid is also thought to support the body’s antioxidant defenses by recycling other antioxidants, including glutathione and vitamin C and vitamin E.

Taurine is involved in a variety of detoxification processes, including bile acid conjugation, and certain Phase II liver pathways.

PQQ (MicroPQQ®) is 2.2x better absorbed & produces a 9+ hour sustained release profile. Scientific research has shown that PQQ protects nerve cells, improves cognitive function & supports mitochondria.

TMG may help support normal levels of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), an important methyl donor. In the liver, SAMe may help support normal fat metabolism and healthy cellular liver composition.

