Restless Leg Syndrome and Your Iron Levels

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

If you’re losing sleep due to Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), you might want to get your iron levels checked!

There’s a link between low iron levels in the brain and this neurological disorder which causes uncomfortable sensations and sudden movements in the legs, particularly at night. These sensations may include prickling, tingling, numbness, burning, crawling accompanied by the sudden necessity to move the legs.

Restless Leg Syndrome is classified as a sleep disorder and is a common root cause for insomnia. In America, it is estimated that up to 10% of the population is affected by RSL, with women more than men likely to have it. 



Which makes sense, being that women are more likely to be anemic. Certain medications may also cause or worsen Restless Leg Syndrome, according to findings. These include antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines such as Benadryl, anti-nausea medications and synthetic thyroid pharmaceuticals such as levothyroxine. 

It is low iron levels of the brain that are associated with Restless Leg Syndrome. What’s interesting is that the research demonstrates that someone may have normal serum iron blood levels, however, still experience a deficiency of iron in the tissues, primarily brain tissue, which is why it is important to also check ferritin levels. 

Iron storage in the body is measured by testing ferritin levels, and patients with RLS have been found to have low ferritin levels. MRI studies have shown depleted iron concentrations in portions of the brain, which produce dopamine. Without optimal iron levels to this region, the brain cannot complete its task of signaling dopamine production. 

Multiple studies, including randomized control trials and meta-analysis, have indicated the link between low ferritin levels and Restless Leg Syndrome. These studies collectively show the importance of iron supplementation to statistical improvement of RSL. 

Since dopamine agonists have been used in treatment of Restless Leg Syndrome and are accompanied by increased risk and adverse effects, the simplicity of supplementing with iron provides promise for many who suffer from this condition. More studies, however, are necessary, since the longest randomized trials on iron supplementation for RLS were 14 weeks. Larger studies are also necessary to assess outcomes as well as uncovering optimal dosages, mechanism of action and type of supplementation. 


Our Iron Complete is now available! It is an activated iron complex formulated for maximum bioavailability. The patented iron utilized, Ferrochel, provides increased stomach tolerability and optimal absorption. Studies indicate that combining iron with other essential nutrients such as riboflavin, other B vitamins and vitamin C provide greater hemoglobin status. 


Other vitamin deficiencies may be linked with Restless Leg Syndrome. Low levels of vitamin D, for example, were found in those who experience RLS, as well. 

Our Vegan D3+K2 utilizes vegan Vitamin D3 along with two essential forms of K2 (MK-4 + MK-7). Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, while Vitamin K2 helps the body ensure that calcium is properly utilized (i.e., that it is ending up in the bones and not in the heart and blood vessels). Vitamin K2 keeps calcium in bones and teeth and out of soft tissues.

*Coming soon: Micellized vitamin D3 in this formulation for increased absorption!
