Complete Guide to Methylated Multivitamins

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

If you’ve questioned if the multivitamins on the store shelf actually meet your body's needs… you’re not alone. While the vitamin world can be complicated, preserving good health requires a basic understanding of how to choose a multivitamin that can actually help you, particularly in the nutrient-depleted environment of today.

What is a Multivitamin?

A multivitamin is a supplement made up of many vitamins and minerals, meant to offer a wide range of nutrients to promote overall health. Various types of these supplements include pills, capsules, liquids, and even powders and patches.

The History of Multivitamins

Early in the 20th century, the idea of multivitamins developed along with scientific knowledge of vital nutrients. They were created initially to treat the widespread nutritional shortages of that time, but nowadays they are applied more widely to promote, generally speaking, a healthy lifestyle.

Why Are Multivitamins More Important Now Than Ever Before?

Multiple modern dietary and environmental changes have made multivitamins much more important than before. Current farming methods lead to drastic soil nutrient depletion and significantly lower nutritional density in foods generated from animals. 

The typical Western diet full of improperly raised animals, fruit & vegetables, omega-6 seed oils, refined sugars, and ultra-processed foods raises inflammation in your body and promotes weight gain & disease. 

Several modern conditions, such as:

  • Lower Fertility Rates
  • More Genetic Diseases that Affect Nutrient Processing 
        • MTHFR & COMT mutations affect up to 50% or more Americans
  • Higher Daily Stress
        • Traffic & commutes
        • Financial
        • Social media
        • Blue light exposure
  • More Exposure to Environmental Contaminants
        • Ionizing radiation from wi-fi routers, cell phones and cell towers
        • Electromagnetic fields from smart meters, old wiring, and household electronics
        • Microplastics from water bottles, packaged food, and sonic toothbrushes
  • Cosmetic & Environmental Chemicals
        • BPA & BPS in plastics
        • Parabens and aluminum in deodorants & dry shampoo
        • PFAS in tap water and sparkling water
        • Mercury and petroleum toxins in seafood
  • Airborne Pollutants
        • Tire particulate from highway driving
        • Jet fuel byproducts from living near airports
        • Smog
        • Polluted indoor air from not using high-quality air filters

    Your body suffers greatly nutritionally from these elements taken together, which is why maintaining your health absolutely necessitates a proactive approach. Your health may decline faster than at any other time in human history if left unmitigated, which emphasizes how important multivitamins are to maintaining your general health.

    • Nutrient Depletion in Contemporary Agriculture

    The emphasis of agricultural methods has changed to maximize profits and yields, frequently at the price of the nutritional value of the food produced. Crops now are less vitamin- and mineral-rich than those our forefathers ate because of the use of pesticides and fertilizers as well as soil degradation. The animal items in your diet naturally suffer from this drop in plant nutritional content since the quality of cattle feed has also declined.

    • Processed Foods and Imbalanced Nutrition

    There has been a big change in the standard diet today toward processed foods. These foods are frequently high in omega-6 fatty acids, which are necessary but already plentiful in Western diets, and in the absence of enough omega-3 fatty acids, they cause an imbalance. 

    Far from the advised 4:1 or below, the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in the average American diet is about 16:1, which increases inflammatory & disease states in the body. Your body's heightened inflammatory processes associated with this imbalance can have an impact on your general health and wellbeing.

    • Growing Stressors from Environment and Lifestyle

    Environmental Toxins: A WWF study estimates that on average, an individual consumes around 5 grams of plastic per week—the equivalent of a credit card—and that microplastics have been discovered in sources of drinking water.

    Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): Exposure to EMF is greater than ever since wireless devices are so widely used. Concern exists over their possible health implications, even though the long-term effects are still being investigated.

    Common compounds in cosmetics and air pollution can both increase oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

    • Obstacles of Biology and Psychology

    Reduced Fertility and Increasing Genetic Disorders: Fertility rates in the United States have been clearly declining; in recent years, a loss of about 1% has been recorded. Genetic conditions that disrupt functions like methylation—which is essential for your immune system and DNA repair—are also becoming more well known. A mutation affecting folate methylation and metabolism (MTHFR) may be present in 30–40% of the world's population.

    Heightened Stress: According to the American Psychological Association, 33% of adults report experiencing acute stress, making psychological stress a serious health concern. Supplementation may be helpful since chronic stress can deplete nutrients and raise your body's need for some vitamins and minerals.

    Problems with Multivitamins

    Even if multivitamins are meant to replace nutritional deficiencies and promote general health, not all of them are made equally, and some typical problems can make them less effective. 

    Noteworthy difficulties include digestion and absorption; in certain cases, pills are observed to pass through the digestive tract mostly undamaged and unabsorbed. Using possibly dangerous ingredients such as artificial colors, sweeteners, titanium dioxide, and magnesium stearate raises questions as well since they are not even remotely beneficial to optimal health. Most multivitamins include flow agents, binders, and fillers that add nothing nutritionally. 

    To match label promises, these supplements are formulated using the least expensive and frequently least effective forms of vitamins, which can be not only a waste of money but also less advantageous for those who require certain vitamin forms. Remarkably, methylated versions of B vitamins are missing from almost all multivitamins, which are necessary for those with reduced methylation, a disorder that affects up to 40% of Americans. 

    If you think your B-Complex isn’t cutting it, you can find more information in our recent article, Methylated and Active B Vitamins.

    What Exactly Are Methylated Multivitamins?

    Particularly beneficial for you if you have methylation problems—a biochemical process essential for most of your body's systems—methylated multivitamins stand out because they include vitamins in a form your body can use right away. The way that up to 40% of people methylate can affect how well their systems can utilize particular vitamins.

    Methylation Science

    Methylation helps manage or contribute to a wide range of critical functions, including DNA repair, immune function, and detoxification. Vitamins that have undergone methylation are in their active state and are ready for use by your body, which improves their absorption and effectiveness. This is especially vital for energy production, mental clarity, and cardiovascular health.

    Benefits of Methylation in Vitamins

    Methylation increases vitamin bioavailability. When a vitamin is bioavailable, that means your body can absorb and use the nutrients in it more effectively. Because of this, your vitamins work better, meaning you end up experiencing more of the powerful benefits they offer. 

    • Better Bioavailability and Absorption: Your body can use methylfolate and methylcobalamin right away since they are methylated versions of the vitamins. This direct useability maximizes their advantages.
    • Higher Energy Levels and Metabolism: Methylated vitamins take part directly in important metabolic reactions, such as the transformation of homocysteine to methionine, which is necessary for the synthesis of energy. Both metabolic health and energy levels may increase as a result.
    • Support for Mental Health and Cognitive Function: Your brain makes easy use of methylation vitamins to help produce neurotransmitters, which are essential for emotional stability and cognitive function.
    • Cardiovascular Support: These vitamins help support optimal blood levels of homocysteine, which is associated with lower risks of cardiovascular diseases, by promoting the methylation process.

    You can continue reading about the benefits of methylated vitamins and how they work in our article, Methylated and Active B Vitamins.

    Who Can Take Advantage of Methylated Multivitamins?

    People with MTHFR Gene Mutation: People with this genetic mutation may have trouble processing some nutrients, such as folate. Vitamins that are methylated (like methylfolate) are already bioactive, which helps your body use these nutrients as it naturally should.

    People with Absorption Issues: A number of illnesses can make it more difficult for your body to properly absorb nutrients from food. You may find that vitamin bioavailability—your body's capacity to absorb and utilize them readily—is essential. Because your body can use methylated multivitamins more easily, helping your body more effectively boost its nutrient levels, they can be very beneficial.

    Pregnant Women: The growing fetus as well as the mother's health depend on getting enough nutrients throughout pregnancy. Supporting normal fetal development requires methylated versions of several vitamins, including folate.

    Elderly: Older people may find that their dietary requirements fluctuate and their body's capacity to absorb nutrients declines. Methylated vitamins can benefit senior citizens' general health, energy levels, and cognitive function.

    Athletes: People who participate in frequent, vigorous physical exercise may be more susceptible to oxidative stress and have greater needs for certain nutrients that help with energy generation and recovery. The more efficient nutritional form that meets these higher demands can be found in methylated multivitamins.

    Key Ingredients in Methylated Multivitamins

    High bioavailability and active components must be the main emphasis of the ideal formulation for methylated multivitamins. Key among them are methylated versions of B vitamins, which are particularly beneficial because of their improved bodily use. Here's a deeper look at these vital methylated ingredients to look for when choosing a multivitamin:

    • Methylcobalamin, or Vitamin B12: Usually found in premium methylated multivitamins in a patented form like MecobalActive®, this version of the vitamin is favored for its purity, better bioavailability, and absorption. Supports the neurological system, mental health, and energy levels.
    • Methylfolate (Vitamin B9): A vital vitamin for promoting DNA synthesis and cellular health, methylfolate is a bioactive form of folate that the body may use right away without going through the laborious processes often needed to transform folate into its active state. Good methylated multivitamins frequently include a patented version of this chemical, including Quatrefolic®, which is renowned for its potency and purity.
    • Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6): This activated Vitamin B6 is metabolized, functions in the brain, and produces neurotransmitters in its active form, pyridoxal-5-phosphate. Its inclusion guarantees that the body may use it without requiring conversion.
    • Riboflavin-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B2): Vitamin B2 in its active form, riboflavin-5-phosphate, is necessary for the synthesis of energy as well as for the metabolism of lipids (dietary fats), medications, and steroid hormones like testosterone. The body may use this form straight away, which strengthens its supporting function in preserving general health.

    Ingredients to Avoid in your Multivitamins

    Avoiding the following elements can help methylated multivitamins work as well as possible:

    Iron: It’s recommended to avoid multivitamins formulated with iron unless specifically advised to supplement with iron by a medical professional. Excess iron can cause constipation and harm, resulting in health issues, which is why we suggest avoiding it in your multivitamin unless you have an acute need for supplemental iron.

    Vitamin D2: D3 is recommended in place of D2 because of its superior ability to increase and sustain blood levels of vitamin D.

    Magnesium Oxide: Though it is a frequent type of magnesium in supplements, magnesium oxide is not as easily absorbed as magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate.

    Other Low-Cost Nutrients: Steer clear of types of ingredients that are ineffective and poorly bioavailable, such as certain artificial additives and synthetic fillers that do not promote good health.

    Methylated multivitamins can offer significant help to those wishing to increase their nutrient intake for improved health results by emphasizing high-quality, bioactive components and avoiding less effective versions.

    Methylated Multivitamins vs. Regular Multivitamins

    The bioavailability of the vitamins in methylated and conventional multivitamins is where they diverge most. The primary difference between methylated and regular multivitamins lies in the forms of B vitamins used. In a methylated multivitamin, you’ll find methylated forms of B vitamins, which means your body can usually absorb and use them more readily. You can learn more about methylated B vitamins in this article.

    For those with genetic abnormalities affecting the MTHFR gene or other genes regulating nutrition and metabolism, this is especially critical. These people need methylated versions of nutrients because their systems are unable to effectively convert synthetic or inactive forms of folate (as folic acid) and vitamin B12 (as cyannocobalamin) into a functional form.

    Advantages of Multivitamins with Methylation

    • Increased Absorption: Especially in those with specific genetic characteristics, the body absorbs and uses them more easily.
    • Enhanced Effectiveness: They don't need conversion to engage directly in body processes because they are already in an active form.
    • Support for Special Needs: Perfect for those with known problems absorbing vitamins or with hereditary changes that impair the way nutrients are metabolized.

    Cons: Because making methylated nutrients costs more, they may be more expensive than standard multivitamins.

    How to Choose the Right Methylated Multivitamin

    Selecting the best methylated multivitamin calls for some general education, which this article seeks to provide, along with knowledge of your unique health requirements. Along with ensuring the multivitamin does not include iron, does include methylated forms of B vitamins, and includes the higher quality forms of the other nutrients, here are a few additional factors to consider:

    Quality: Seek out supplements made in settings that follow strict guidelines, including cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices as set forth by the United States FDA). To make sure they live up to label promises and are free of contaminants, high-quality items frequently go through extensive testing.

    Dose: It's critical to think about how much of each nutrient the multivitamin contains. Make sure the doses follow the most recent guidelines and scientific studies. Sometimes, the ideal ratio is more important than anything else.

    Brand Reputation:  Choose companies with a solid industry reputation. Generally speaking, brands with openness about their sourcing, production methods, and testing procedures are more trustworthy. Furthermore, useful information on the effectiveness of a product may be found in user reviews and professional recommendations.

    Certifications: Find out whether respectable outside agencies have certified the multivitamin. Verifications of non-GMO components, gluten-free status, or organic origin can all be included in certificates. The product is guaranteed to fulfill strict criteria above and beyond simple quality control by these certifications.

    Personal Health Needs: Knowing your particular health needs will help you choose a multivitamin that will most effectively promote your health. A methylated multivitamin could be more directly beneficial, for example, if you are aware of your problems absorbing nutrients or if you have certain genetic predispositions.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    What is the MTHFR gene mutation?

    The MTHFR gene provides instructions for making an enzyme that plays a crucial role in processing amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. This enzyme is also important for a chemical reaction involving forms of the vitamin folate (vitamin B9), which is necessary for DNA synthesis and repair.

    A mutation in this gene may affect how well your body can process folate and other important compounds, which is why methylated forms of vitamins, readily usable by your body, might be particularly supportive if you have this mutation.

    Can everyone take methylated multivitamins?

    Most individuals may safely use methylated multivitamins, and they can be especially helpful if you have unique medical conditions that interfere with the absorption or use of standard vitamins. Before beginning any new supplement program, though, it's always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional, particularly if you use other prescription drugs or have underlying medical concerns.

    How long does it take to see benefits?

    Your particular health condition, the particular nutrients you may have been lacking, and your general diet and lifestyle will all affect how soon you get results from taking methylated multivitamins. Improvements in mood, energy, or cognitive performance may be apparent to some people in a few weeks, but others may need more time.

    Are there natural sources of methylated vitamins?

    Though most vitamins found in food are not methylated, a well-balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may give you a wide range of nutrients that help your body methylate. Naturally occurring foods that promote methylation include folate-rich leafy greens, legumes, nuts, and seeds; animal products such as dairy and meat also provide vitamin B12.

    Best multivitamin for women over 50

    For women over 50, choosing a multivitamin that addresses the unique nutritional needs of this life stage is crucial. Look for a multivitamin that supports bone health, heart health, and energy levels. Key nutrients to focus on include vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and vitamins B12 and B6. Methylated forms of B vitamins can be particularly beneficial because your body can easily absorb and use them, which is crucial for maintaining energy levels and cognitive function as you age. Read on for our top recommendation.

    Best Methylated Multivitamin on the Market

    Understanding the differences between methylated and regular multivitamins and recognizing which type best suits your personal health requirements can make a significant difference in your overall well-being. It's not just about filling nutritional gaps; it's about doing so in a way that respects and responds to your body's unique needs.

    As you navigate the choices available, consider not only the general benefits of multivitamins but also how their specific forms and compositions can support your health goals. This mindful approach to supplementation can help you maintain an optimal level of health and vitality, contributing positively to your quality of life.

    Methyl Multi™ Without Iron is a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral blend made from the absolute highest-quality ingredients with zero fillers. 

    This advanced formula features vegan-friendly, hypoallergenic, and meticulously-researched micronutrients, including Quatrefolic® Folate (5-MTHF) for maximum MTHFR support, and patented Albion® TRAACS® chelated mineral complexes for maximum absorption and bioavailability, all together in DRcaps® acid resistant vegetable capsules. 

    Methyl Multi™ is the ultimate multivitamin to support total-body wellness and optimum vitality.

    • VITAMIN K2 as MK-7 (MenaQ7® Crystals- from chickpeas) and Boron (as Albion® TRAACS® Bororganic Glycine). Includes: MecobalActive® "The active form of B12" ; Thiamine as Benfotiamine (Benfopure®), Selenium (as Albion® Selenium Glycinate complex); Zinc (as Albion® TRAACS® Zinc Bisglycinate chelate); Potassium (as Albion® TRAACS® Potassium Glycinate complex). NO FILLERS!
    • FOUNDATIONAL "Dietary Insurance" to Support a Healthy Lifestyle. Multi-nutrient Supplement Providing Exceptional Broad-Spectrum Nutritional Support
    • SUPPORTS Antioxidant Protection & Detoxification
    • PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE - Manufactured in the USA in a GMP-certified facility, for guaranteed quality and potency.



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