Beyond Arthritis: Understanding Other Causes of Joint Pain

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

Joint pain is a common ailment that affects millions of Americans each year, often leading to a default assumption of arthritis. However, the root causes of joint discomfort can extend far beyond arthritis, encompassing a range of conditions and nutritional deficiencies. Among these, the role of Boron—a trace mineral vital for human health—stands out for its significant yet under-appreciated impact on our total-body well-being.

The Misconception of Joint Pain

While arthritis is certainly a leading cause of joint pain, attributing all such discomfort to this condition overlooks the complexity of human health. Factors such as lifestyle, diet, and even the body's mineral balance play crucial roles. It's essential to understand that joint pain can also stem from issues like bursitis, tendonitis, or nutritional deficiencies, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment.

Boron is a trace element essential for the optimal functioning of various physiological processes. It is crucial for supporting bone health (strength & density), cognitive function, and the regulation of inflammatory responses (especially in joints).

Despite its importance, Boron's relevance to joint health and its broader implications for disease prevention remain under-explored.

In the context of joint pain, Boron's role is multifaceted. It helps in the metabolism of minerals that are crucial for bone health, such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, potentially mitigating pain by strengthening the bones themselves. Additionally, Boron has been linked to reduced levels of inflammatory markers, suggesting its potential in managing conditions that cause joint discomfort.

The Challenge of Obtaining Boron Through Diet Alone

The American diet, with its growing reliance on processed foods, often falls short in providing adequate levels of trace minerals, especially Boron. This deficiency is not without consequence as Boron is not only pivotal for joint health, but also plays a vital role in supporting cognitive performance and hormonal balance. Foods still rich in Boron (but much lower than they used to be) include nuts, legumes, fruits, and green leafy vegetables—items that are increasingly marginalized by the modern American palate.

In the United States, the prevalence of diseases associated with Boron deficiency paints a concerning picture. Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weakened bones and an increased risk of fractures, is of particular note. Boron's contribution to bone metabolism suggests that adequate intake of this mineral could play a role in helping to maintain healthy bone mineral density as we age..

Furthermore, hormonal imbalances and cognitive issues are also linked to insufficient Boron levels. These conditions not only affect our quality of life, but also contribute to a higher healthcare burden, emphasizing the need for a nutritional focus in disease prevention strategies.

Modern processed foods often lack Boron due to the depletion of minerals in soil from intensive agricultural practices. Soil health significantly influences the mineral content in crops; as soil quality declines, so does the nutrient content in food. Boron is naturally present in soil, but erosion and over-farming can reduce its availability to plants. This reduction impacts the Boron content in food and, consequently, our diets.

Understanding this relationship is crucial as adequate Boron intake is linked to various health benefits, including bone health and cognitive function. Ensuring sufficient Boron in our diet, whether through food choices or supplementation, is important for maintaining these health aspects.


Key Benefits of Boron:

  • In bone health, it assists in metabolizing key minerals and vitamins, thus supporting strong bone structure & function.
  • For cognitive function, Boron is linked to improved brain activity, supporting mental sharpness and memory.
  • In hormonal health, it helps balance and synthesize sex hormones, vital for reproductive health and potentially easing menopausal symptoms.
  • For your immune system, it supports the body's inflammatory response, which is essential for dealing with infections and maintaining overall health.

Are there differentiated benefits of Boron for men and women?

Boron provides several health benefits that can be particularly significant for both women and men, though some of these benefits may vary between genders.

For women, Boron is known for its role in bone health, which is crucial, especially post-menopause, when the risk of bone growth disorders increases. It also helps in regulating estrogen levels. Boron's well-studied role in reducing menopausal symptoms and supporting hormonal health is significant.

Boron's impact on menopausal symptoms is important for women because it can help regulate hormone levels, potentially easing symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and bone density loss. A lack of Boron in menopausal and post-menopausal women's diets could be associated with increased risks of osteoporosis and hormonal imbalances, impacting overall health and well-being during and after menopause.
One of the more popular uses of Boron is for vaginal dysbiosis (Candida overgrowth). In these cases, people use boric acid capsules inside the vagina. Boric acid is a form of Boron. It is said to help restore balance when used as a vaginal suppository.

For men, Boron's influence on testosterone levels is noteworthy, and it plays a role in maintaining bone density and supporting muscle mass.

Boron's impact on testosterone levels in men is important because testosterone plays a crucial role in various aspects of male health. It influences muscle mass, bone density, energy levels, mood, and overall physical and mental well-being. Adequate testosterone levels are essential for maintaining muscle strength, and sexual health. Boron's ability to positively affect testosterone levels can therefore be significant in supporting these aspects of men's health.

Low testosterone levels in men can be associated with various health issues. These include reduced muscle mass and strength, increased body fat, decreased bone density leading to osteoporosis, fatigue, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, mood disorders like depression, and cognitive impairments. It's important to address low testosterone levels to maintain overall health and quality of life.

How to consume Boron naturally?

Focus on a diet rich in fruits like apples and oranges, vegetables such as leafy greens and potatoes, nuts including almonds and hazelnuts, and legumes like lentils and chickpeas. These foods are known to have higher Boron content. Including a variety of these in your daily diet can help ensure adequate Boron intake. It's also beneficial to be aware of the source and quality of these foods, as soil and farming practices can affect their nutrient levels.

Highest Boron Foods:

  • Prune Juice

Prune juice offers more benefits than just aiding digestion. A single cup contains 1.43 milligrams of Boron, which is beneficial for bone health. Additionally, prune juice is a source of dietary fiber, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Research involving postmenopausal women consuming 3 ounces of prunes daily for a year demonstrated an improvement in their bone mineral density.

  • Avocado
Rich in healthy fats and dietary fiber, avocados also rank highly as a Boron source, with half a cup of raw, chopped avocado offering 1.07 milligrams of Boron. They are also beneficial due to their folate, vitamin K, and copper content.
  • Peaches

Peaches are a valuable source of Boron, along with vitamins C and A. Each medium-sized peach offers about 0.80 milligrams of Boron and contains only 63 calories. Regardless of whether they are fresh, frozen, or canned, peaches are beneficial for Boron intake. Enjoy them as a refreshing snack, incorporate them into peach salsa, or blend frozen peaches into smoothies.

  • Grape Juice

Given that raisins are a known source of Boron, it's logical that grape juice also contains this mineral. A cup of pure grape juice has about 0.76 milligrams of Boron. Besides, grape juice is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C and polyphenols. It can be enjoyed as a refreshing beverage, used in vinaigrettes and sauces, or frozen into juice pops for a delightful treat.

Boron Supplementation:

When exploring Boron supplementation for supporting joint comfort, understanding the nuances between different types of Boron is crucial. Each form of Boron offers unique advantages, potentially influencing the body's absorption and utilization of this essential mineral. Here's a closer look at the main types available and why choosing the right one matters for joint health:

Boron Citrate: Bound to citric acid, Boron Citrate is a popular choice in dietary supplements. Its association with citric acid may enhance Boron's bioavailability, making it a favored option for those seeking to improve bone density and joint function.

Boron Glycinate: By combining Boron with glycine, an amino acid, Boron Glycinate is thought to be readily absorbed by the body. This form is particularly appealing for individuals focused on maximizing Boron's absorption to support joint health and reduce discomfort.

Boron Aspartate: This variant attaches Boron to aspartic acid, offering another amino acid partnership that is believed to improve bioavailability. Like Boron Glycinate, Boron Aspartate is chosen for its potential ease of absorption and effectiveness in supporting joint and bone health.

Calcium Fructoborate: Distinguished by its natural occurrence in plants, Calcium Fructoborate pairs Boron with calcium and fructose. This form stands out for its bioavailability and is frequently used in research studying Boron's benefits. Studies suggest that Calcium Fructoborate may offer significant advantages for joint pain relief, making it an exceptional choice for those suffering from joint discomfort.

Pure Thera’s Bio Boron™ utilizes Albion's® Bororganic Glycinate (our absolute favorite form) which is scientifically shown to optimize absorption and bioavailability to ensure effective supplementation.
Albion is the leader in high-absorption minerals, producing unparalleled and well-studied practitioner-grade dietary, non-Chinese-sourced minerals you can trust.

Remember, Boron is a biologically active trace mineral that affects Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D metabolism. It’s an essential nutrient that is necessary for optimal health, and most of us are not getting enough. It helps maintain optimal bone metabolism, as well as supports immune and nervous system health.

  • Boosts Calcium, Magnesium & Phosphorus + Activates Vitamin D and more… Our soil is depleted of Boron, therefore supplementation may prevent the loss of Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Boron helps convert Vitamin D into its active form within the body - enhancing Calcium absorption and utilization to support healthy bone-mineral matrix.
  • Bone & Brain Support - Supports building of strong bones and healthy bone growth & mineralization. Supports strong connective structure (ligaments and tendons) in the bone matrix. Helps maintain the proper function of cell membranes. Supports optimal brain and cognitive function.
  • Hormone Balance - Helps maintain healthy hormone activity. Boron aids in the production, regulation and half-life of growth and sex hormones, including testosterone and estrogen. Boron also plays a role in the synthesizing of Vitamin D and protects hormones from rapid breakdown.*

Consider starting with a 5 mg dose per day and potentially working your way up to 10 or even 30 mg per day from there for optimal benefits. We recommend a low and slow approach with Boron and speaking with your health practitioner before you start to discuss any questions, medication interactions, or concerns.


National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Dietary Supplements. (n.d.). Dietary Supplements. Retrieved from

PubMed. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University. (n.d.). Micronutrient Information. Retrieved from

World Health Organization (WHO). (n.d.). Nutrition. Retrieved from

Journal of the American Dietetic Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Lefton, J. (2023, August 14). Health Benefits of Boron. Verywell Health.