Probiotics for Women: The Ultimate Guide

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health benefits to the host when consumed in adequate amounts. These beneficial bacteria are naturally found in the human body, particularly in the digestive system, and play a crucial role in maintaining overall health.

For women, probiotics are especially important due to their role in maintaining a balanced vaginal microbiome, supporting digestive health, and boosting the immune system. They can also have positive effects on mental health through the gut-brain connection, making them a key component of a holistic health regimen.

How Do Probiotics Work in the Body?

Probiotics work by balancing the gut microbiota, which is the community of microorganisms living in the digestive tract. They help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, enhance the gut barrier function, and modulate the immune system. This balance is crucial for digestive health, nutrient absorption, and overall well-being.

Probiotics can be found in various foods and supplements. Common dietary sources include:

  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Tempeh
  • Pickles
  • Some cheeses

Supplements in the form of capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids are also widely available.

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics

The main difference between prebiotics and probiotics is that probiotics are live good bacteria that keep your gut healthy, while prebiotics are fibers that feed and support these good bacteria.

Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that serve as food for probiotics. They are found in various plant-based foods and help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. While probiotics are live bacteria, prebiotics are the nutrients that help these bacteria thrive.

Prebiotics enhance the effectiveness of probiotics by providing the necessary nutrients for their growth. This symbiotic relationship ensures that probiotics can colonize the gut and exert their health benefits more efficiently.

Can You Take Prebiotics and Probiotics Together?

Yes, taking prebiotics and probiotics together, often referred to as synbiotics, can be highly beneficial. This combination supports the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria, enhancing overall gut health.

Combining prebiotics and probiotics can:

  • Supports digestive health by enhancing the gut microbiota balance
  • Supports immune function
  • Enhance nutrient absorption
  • Support a healthy inflammatory response
  • Support mental health through the gut-brain axis

Benefits of Probiotics for Women

  • Digestive Health

Probiotics, specifically strains like Bifidobacterium longum Bl-05 which we included in our Power Probiotic 100B formula, play a crucial role in maintaining digestive health. They help prevent and manage numerous gut conditions by helping to balance the gut microbiota and enhance gut motility.

  • Immune System Support

Probiotics support your immune system by promoting the production of natural antibodies and stimulating the activity of immune cells such as macrophages and T-lymphocytes. This can help support your body in improving it's overall immune function.

  • Mental Health Benefits (Gut-Brain Connection)

The gut-brain connection highlights the significant impact of gut health on mental well-being. Probiotics can help support mental health via the gut-brain axis by modulating the gut microbiota and influencing the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, as well as supporting a healthy inflammatory balance in the brain.

  • Skin Health

Probiotics contribute to skin health by supporting your body's response to inflammation and promoting a balanced skin microbiome. They can help support clear and healthy skin.

  • Best Probiotics for Vaginal Health

Maintaining a balanced vaginal and urinary tract microbiome is essential for your comfort, reproductive health, and pH balance. Probiotics can help support this balance by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibiting harmful pathogens.

Probiotics help maintain the acidic pH of the vagina, which supports a healthy flora filled with beneficial bacteria.

Specific Probiotic Strains Beneficial for Vaginal Health

Certain probiotic strains are particularly beneficial for supporting vaginal health by creating an acidic environment that inhibits harmful bacteria and yeast. Here are some key strains:

  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1: Known for reducing the risk of bacterial vaginosis (BV) and urinary tract infections (UTIs) by maintaining an acidic environment.
  • Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14: Works with L. rhamnosus GR-1 to prevent pathogenic bacteria and boost the local immune response.
  • Lactobacillus crispatus: Dominant in healthy vaginal microbiomes, effective in preventing BV.
  • Lactobacillus jensenii: Produces hydrogen peroxide, creating an inhospitable environment for harmful microbes.
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14: Supports both digestive and vaginal health, preventing harmful bacteria colonization.
  • Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115: Produces bacteriocins that inhibit pathogenic bacteria, aiding in microbiome restoration.

These strains help support vaginal health by producing lactic acid, adhering to vaginal walls, producing substances that discourage the bad guys from moving in, supporting the immune system, and restoring microbiome balance.

Choosing the Right Probiotic Supplement

When selecting a probiotic supplement, consider the following factors:

  • Specific Health Needs: Choose strains that target your health goals, such as digestive, immune, or vaginal health.
  • Probiotic Strains: Look for supplements with well-researched strains tailored to your needs.
  • CFU Count: Aim for at least 1 billion CFUs for general benefits; higher counts may be needed for specific conditions.
  • Delivery Method: Pick a form that suits your preference and lifestyle (capsules, tablets, powders, etc.).
  • Storage Requirements: Decide between refrigerated (higher viability) and shelf-stable (convenient) options.
  • Presence of Prebiotics: Consider synbiotic supplements that combine probiotics and prebiotics for enhanced efficacy.

Good Probiotics for Women

Probiotics tailored for women should contain strains that support vaginal, digestive, and immune health. Look for products that specify strains known to benefit women, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, like this highly effective formula.

Tailored probiotic formulations for women may include additional ingredients like cranberry extract for supporting urinary health, vitamin D for supporting bone health, and prebiotics for enhanced efficacy.

Strains and CFU (Colony-Forming Units) Count

The CFU count indicates the number of live bacteria in a probiotic supplement. A higher CFU count generally means more potent probiotics, with at least 1 billion CFUs per dose recommended for general health benefits.

  • Importance of Strain Quality and Diversity

While higher CFU counts can be beneficial, the quality and diversity of probiotic strains are equally important. Different strains offer specific health benefits, so a good supplement should include multiple strains to support various aspects of health.

  • Matching Strains to Health Needs

Choose strains based on your health goals:

Digestive Health: Look for Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum.

Immune Support: Consider Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

Vaginal Health: Opt for Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14.

Refrigerated Probiotics vs. Shelf-Stable Probiotics

Refrigerated probiotics generally offer higher viability, meaning more live bacteria survive until consumption, and often contain more delicate strains that provide unique health benefits. However, they require consistent cold storage, which can be less convenient for daily use, especially for those who travel frequently or have a busy lifestyle. The need for refrigeration limits their portability, making them impractical in situations where refrigeration is not available.

Shelf-stable probiotics, on the other hand, do not require refrigeration, making them more convenient for daily use and easier to store and travel with. They typically have a longer shelf life, providing a practical option for long-term use. However, these probiotics may contain fewer strains and have lower viability, as the manufacturing and storage processes can impact the potency of the live bacteria over time. When choosing between the two, consider your lifestyle and specific health needs to select the probiotic type that best fits your requirements.

Power Probiotic 100B is a great solution that incorporates all the benefits of shelf-stable probiotics, without any of the downsides.

Forms of Probiotics

Probiotic supplements come in various forms, each with its pros and cons. The following table summarizes these forms:   

Form of Probiotics





Easy to take, precise dosing

May contain fillers/additives

Generally high; protects bacteria until it reaches the gut


Convenient, longer shelf life

May be harder to digest

Moderate; some strains may be less viable due to compression


Can be mixed with food/drinks, flexible dosing

Taste/texture may be unpleasant

High; allows for immediate ingestion and absorption

Probiotic Gummies

Tasty, easy to consume

Often contain added sugars

Variable; lower due to processing and added ingredients. Not the best option.

Probiotic Drinks

Hydrating, can be flavored

May contain added sugars/calories

Moderate to high; depends on storage and formulation.

Probiotic Water

Hydrating, convenient

May be less potent

Moderate; may lose potency over time

Probiotic Soda

Tasty, variety of flavors

High sugar content, less healthy

Variable; lower due to added sugars and carbonation effects


How Long Do Probiotics Take to Work?

The time it takes for probiotics to work can vary depending on the individual's health condition, the strains used, and the dosage. Generally, noticeable benefits can be seen within a few days to a few weeks of consistent use.

Several factors can influence the effectiveness of probiotics, including:

  • Specific strains used
  • Dosage and CFU count
  • Frequency of consumption
  • Individual gut microbiota composition
  • Diet and lifestyle

Incorporating probiotics into your daily routine can be simple and enjoyable. Here are some tips:

  • Start your day with probiotic-rich yogurt or kefir
  • Add fermented vegetables like sauerkraut or kimchi to your meals
  • Enjoy a kombucha or probiotic drink as a refreshing beverage
  • Use probiotic supplements if you have specific health needs or dietary restrictions

Probiotics offer numerous benefits for women, including supporting your digestive health, immune function, mental health through the gut-brain connection, skin health, and vaginal health. Incorporating probiotics into your daily routine can support your overall well-being.

The Best Probiotic for Women’s Health

Pure Thera’s Power Probiotic 100B™ has 100 billion colony forming units (CFU) of probiotic bacteria and is one of the very best probiotic formulas on the market today for supporting immune function, digestive health, and total-body vitality. It uses innovative packaging techniques, specifically a CSP Activ Vial™ desiccant bottle, which protects the probiotic microorganisms from harmful elements such as heat, moisture, and oxygen.

Power Probiotic 100B™ is a four-strain vegetarian, dairy- and gluten-free probiotic totaling 100 billion CFU† per capsule.

Because heat, moisture, and oxygen are proven to degrade probiotic stability, we utilize CSP Activ Vial™ desiccant bottles to assure an optimal probiotic microclimate.

This cutting-edge probiotic formula provides four thoroughly researched strains of beneficial gut bacteria, including the extensively studied HOWARU® HN019 Bifidobacterium lactis strain.

These live microorganisms have proven health benefits and well-established safety, and have been tested for epithelial cell adhesion and/or resistance to low pH.

Power Probiotic 100B™ probiotics are encased in innovative stomach-acid-resistant  DRcaps® to further support resistance to low pH and the delivery of microorganisms to the small intestines.

NO Refrigeration Needed.

Delivers four highly researched strains of beneficial bacteria, including the extensively studied HOWARU® HN019 strain of Bifidobacterium lactis.

Power Probiotic 100B employs DRcaps® gastro-resistant capsules to further support resistance to low pH and the delivery of microorganisms to the small intestines. These specially designed, innovative capsules assist in slowing the exposure of actives to stomach acid.

  • Helps Maintain a Healthy Intestinal Microecology.
  • Supports the Natural Immune Response and Supports Bowel Regularity.
  • Supports Balance of Healthy Flora During/Post-Antibiotic Therapy.
  • Supports Lactose Tolerance.




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