Magnesium and Your Heart

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

Approximately every 40 seconds, an American will have a myocardial infarction. The average age of first myocardial infarction is 65.6 years old for men and 72.0 years old for women.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for 840,768 deaths (635,260 cardiac) in 2016

The annual total cost of CVD in the United States was estimated at $351.2 billion in 2014-2015

These are statistics off the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Heart Disease’ website.

Although pharmaceutical companies are capitalizing on creating a variety of medications to treat cardiovascular disease, from statins to anti-hypertensives, beta-blockers to angiotensin receptor blockers, clinical studies are indicating the miraculous benefits of one mineral, demonstrating some compelling evidence regarding its cardiovascular benefits.

You might want to refer to it as Mighty Magnesium after reading this blog post. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical functions in the body. Although it’s found in many known superfoods, our soil today lacks the nutrient density it once had generations ago. As a result, even eating large quantities of magnesium-rich foods may not help you achieve optimal levels of magnesium, requiring you to supplement daily.

It is estimated that about half of the US adult population may have a magnesium deficiency. Chronic illness, gut issues, drinking alcohol, aging and certain medications such as PPIs and diuretics increase your risk for magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium: What it is and What it does

Magnesium is a natural mineral with multiple functions. It serves as a co-factor for hundreds of enzymes and is responsible for energy production, protein synthesis, cell signaling and much more. Without it, your body simply can’t function properly.

Magnesium helps nerve function, energy storage, maintaining healthy bones, conducting an important role in your heart’s electrical transport system involving calcium and potassium—which is critical for normal heart rhythm and muscle contraction.

Magnesium is also responsible for optimizing gut health, brain health and nerve health. Are you getting the idea now how mighty magnesium truly is?

Besides piling your plate with magnesium-rich foods—cashews, black beans, edamame, and oatmeal are also savvy choices—you may elect to start taking magnesium supplements.

Am I Deficient in Magnesium?

According the US RDA, adult males should get approximately 400 mg of magnesium per day; women in the same age group should receive about 250-300 mg daily.

Since approximately 50 to 60% of all the magnesium in the body is found in the skeleton, soft tissue and muscle, testing blood levels of magnesium is not always accurate.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:

* Headaches

* Insomnia

* Jitteriness

* Muscle Cramps

* Anxiety

* Heart Palpitations

* Constipation

* Worsening Pain

* Body Pain/Bone Pain

If you’re experiencing the above symptoms, try supplementing with magnesium! If it’s a magnesium deficiency, you should start to feel better within a few weeks.

Left unmanaged, magnesium deficiency can damage multiple bodily systems, contributing to: cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and metabolic disorders.


Since the leading cause of death in America is cardiovascular disease, let’s dig deeper into what the studies are demonstrating on the effects of magnesium supplementation and hypertension, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD/CHD), stroke, heart attacks and all cause mortality caused by cardiovascular events.

Studies on Hypertension:

In a meta-analysis of 34 studies, which were randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and totaling more than 2,000 patients and ranging in length from three weeks to six months, participants taking between 240 and 960 milligrams of magnesium showed the following results:

Individuals taking 368 mg of magnesium daily for three months had a 2 mm Hg reduction in systolic blood pressure and a 1.8 mmHg reduction in diastolic.

It is thought that one of magnesium’s mechanism of action in reducing blood pressure has to do with its ability to prevent blood vessels from constricting, also known as vasodilation, which increases blood flow.

Studies on CHD:

A meta-analysis of nine prospective cohort studies consisting mostly of participants without cardiovascular disease at baseline, reported a 22% lower risk of Coronary Heart Disease when taking 200 mg/day of magnesium.

A more recent meta-analysis of six studies reported a 10% lower risk of CHD with higher dietary magnesium intakes.

In other studies, participants with low magnesium levels had a 36% increased risk of CHD mortality.

Collectively, the research shows the importance of magnesium supplementation in prevention of Coronary Heart Disease and reducing mortality risk.


In two meta-analysis prospective studies inclusive of over 240,000 participants, higher magnesium intakes were associated with an 8 to 11% reduction in stroke risk.  

In a pooled analysis of 14 studies comparing high vs low magnesium intakes, a 12% lower risk of stroke was found in the higher vs lower magnesium supplementation group. 

A 7% risk reduction of stroke was associated with each 100 mg increment of daily magnesium intake.

Heart Failure:

Two prospective studies suggest a 31% lower risk of heart failure with higher dietary magnesium intakes.

The Jackson Heart Study of 4916 African Americans researching predictive risk of heart failure showed that low magnesium intake was related to increased risk of subsequent heart failure hospitalizations.

All Cause Cardiac Death:

A meta-analysis of 13 prospective studies in over 475,000 participants reported that the risk of total cardiovascular events, including stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and CHD, was 15% lower in individuals with higher intakes of magnesium.

A-Fib and Myocardial Infarction:

It's possible that magnesium is more important for maintaining the heart's electrical properties (which would affect sudden cardiac death) than we think!

Low magnesium levels have been associated with atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, which could be indicative of a risk factor for sudden cardiac death (SCD).

Since magnesium is involved with transporting calcium and potassium into cells, it plays a huge role in nerve conduction and muscle contraction. Your heart is a muscle, and magnesium helps to ensure that heart muscles contract properly, regulating a normal heartbeat. Research shows that magnesium deficiency increases irregular heartbeats and may be one root cause of arrhythmia.

The Framingham heart study, publishing in January 2013, indicated that low levels of magnesium in the blood are associated with atrial fibrillation (afib), which is a an irregular  malfunction in the heart's electrical system that causes the upper chambers of the heart to quiver. 


Studies indicate that low levels magnesium in the blood are associated with systemic inflammation, which causes a disruption in vascular tone, possibly contributing to the development of atherosclerosis.

According to an Italian study, “In vitro studies have shown that low magnesium determines endothelial dysfunction, the initiating event leading to the formation of the plaque. Moreover, oral magnesium therapy has been shown to improve endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease.”





Our Optimum Magnesium contains two highly bioavailable, chelated forms:

Magnesium Lysyl Glycinate Chelate, a mineral amino acid chelate delivers a complex with higher absorption rates. Since the body can efficiently absorb dipeptides (two amino acids linked together), Albion’s TRAACS® magnesium lysyl glycinate is an optimum delivery system for magnesium.

Di-Magnesium Malate, contains 69% malate (malic acid). Malic acid is utilized as it enhances magnesium. Magnesium and malate play crucial roles in energy production under aerobic conditions or when decreased oxygen levels are present. Malic acid is known to show protective benefits by binding aluminum.



Sources: (CV study)