CoQ10 and Oxidative Stress

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

CoQ10 is a natural compound our bodies make that is responsible for multiple functions, including energy. It is stored in what is known as the powerhouse of your cells, your mitochondria.

Interestingly, your most vital organs also contain the highest amount of CoQ10 because they require more energy in order to function properly. With its anti-oxidant properties, CoQ10 protects your brain, heart, liver and kidneys from free radicals and oxidative stress. It ensures cells function properly.

Your cellular mitochondria act as a mini-digestive system in your cells. It picks up nutrients and breaks them down to create energy for the cell to utilize.

How optimally your mitochondria perform cellular respiration determines if you have energy, can feed your cells, exercise effectively, fight disease—it pretty much interprets your entire sense of health and well-being.

Your mitochondria make lemonade out of lemons. Using the air that we breathe and the food that we eat—your mitochondria turn glucose and oxygen into energy called ATP.    

When the mitochondria don’t work properly, there is usually miscommunication in the cellular electron transport chain. Mitochondrial dysfunction is thought to be the root cause of all chronic illnesses and the reason we slow down and start falling apart as we age.  

So, how do you best support your mitochondria? It’s very simple. Your mitochondria love oxygen. They thrive off it. Oxygen helps support the electron transport chain all the way to the finish line—ATP production. Your hemoglobin carries this oxygen and cellular nutrients throughout your body and to your organs where it’s needed the most—your heart, brain, liver and kidneys.

During this process, waste products are created, which are called Reactive Oxygen Species, or ROSs. A healthy body knows how to remove this oxidative stress so that cells are protected. When the body cannot remove ROSs, dysfunction occurs.

Oxidative stress is caused by many things. Lifestyle choices such as smoking, consuming high fat, processed foods and sugar, alcohol consumption, various pharmaceuticals, pesticides and other toxins as well as exposure to radiation are some common culprits.

ROSs are a type of oxidative stress that can damage mitochondrial DNA and cause mutations that can lead to disease. Studies have indicated that diseases such as Alzheimer’s show a higher rate of mitochondrial mutation than healthy people. These ROSs also contribute to rapid aging.

CoQ10 helps your mitochondria do its job of supporting the cell, producing energy and transporting this energy throughout your system. As you age, however, your natural stores of CoQ10 are depleted. Even common pharmaceuticals, such as statins, are known to lower natural CoQ10 levels. Nutrient deficiencies, such as low levels of certain B vitamins also reduce CoQ10 levels. Various disease states and chronic stress can deplete your body’s natural CoQ10 resources, as well.

CoQ10 also fights oxidative damage by serving as an antioxidant that protects cells. CoQ10 is thought to help optimal levels of energy production, reduce oxidative damage and improve heart function, all important to managing heart failure symptoms. Multiple studies demonstrate its protective properties. A study of over 400 people with heart failure, for example, showed that CoQ10 supplementation for two years reduced mortality from heart-related issues. 

CoQ10 benefits are not just limited to the heart. Since CoQ10 impacts the mitochondria of cells, its benefits impact every muscle and organ in the body.  A twelve week study on type 2 diabetes showed that CoQ10 supplementation reduced fasting glucose levels and A1C.  Moreover, abnormal mitochondrial function was linked to insulin resistance.

When your body is not able to fight the effects of oxidative stress, cell structures can become damaged and altered, which can increase cancer risk. Studies have shown that cancer patients have low CoQ10 levels. Low levels of CoQ10 are linked with up to a 53.3% higher risk of cancer as well as poorer outcomes after being diagnosed.  Supplementing with CoQ10 also increases the chances of cancer not reoccurring. 

Being that the brain is comprised of high fat content and has a high demand for oxygen, it is more susceptible to oxidative damage, which can affect cognitive function such as memory. The oxidative damage affects the physical structure of the brain. CoQ10 may help reduce this oxidative damage and slow the progression of neurological diseases, according to research.

Studies have focused on the lung’s vulnerability to damage due to low antioxidant production as a result of low levels of CoQ10. These low levels may ultimately result in lung disease, COPD, asthma and other lung-related health issues. 

CoQ10’s role in oxygenating down to the cellular level is evident in its management of altitude sickness. Supplementing with CoQ10 when the body is oxygen-deprived (100-200 mg a day), has demonstrated alleviating altitude sickness symptoms and improving outcomes, particularly with heart muscle cells.

Supplementing with CoQ10 helps block cells from the damage of oxidative stress and feed the mitochondrial fuel house with resources necessary for optimal energy production. In other words, CoQ10 provide your cells with shelter and food.

Not all CoQ10 supplements, however, are the same. The only way to be sure that it is a high- quality product with a optimal bioavailability is to choose a CoQ10 product backed by clinical evidence.

When it comes to whether to choose Ubiquinone or Ubiquinol, two common forms of CoQ10, there is much misinformation. The amount of scientific studies conducted with Ubiquinone is far more extensive than the number of studies carried out with UbiquinolIn terms of absorption, there is no clear-cut difference between the two; Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol shift from one form to the other inside the body. What matters is to ensure proper absorption--the reason we utilize the "MicroActive" form.

With 24-hour sustained release, our MicroActive CoQ10 Enhanced with Micro PQQ +Shilajit, is uniformly absorbed--3x greater than crystalline CoQ10 and 2x more than solubilized CoQ10 because blood levels remain high for a longer period of time compared to regular CoQ10.  In an efficacy comparison study, 5 subjects participated in a 24-hour crossover design with a single dose of 180 mg of CoQ10. The results indicate that the bioavailability of the CoQ10 complex was significantly better than the crystalline form by a Factor of 3.7 (370%).

Each CoQ10 molecule is also complexed with beta-cyclodextrin, a natural compound made from potato starch that increases the solubility of CoQ10. Its easy transport through the digestive system further enables bioavailability directly to cells. Moreover, its absorption is not dependent on the presence of fat. Because of this superiority in absorption, our MicroActive CoQ10 is able to double lab values from baseline in 100% of users within three weeks, according to data.  

The addition of MicroPQQ provides enhanced protection to nerve cells, improvement of cognitive function, and relief from stress and insomnia, with 2.2 times better absorption than standard PQQ formulations, due to the 9+ hour sustained release profile. The combined ingredients and dose in this supplement have been clinically-studied with results showing improvement in short-term memory, focus and cognitive health superior to either ingredient alone.

PrimaVie® is an organic, purified shilajit from the Himalayan mountains, rich in fulvic acid to maximize your body’s absorption of CoQ10 & PQQ. PrimaVie shilajit is a nutrient that has been shown to double levels of CoQ10 in mitochondria. Combining CoQ10 and shilajit produced a 56% increase in energy production in the brain—40% better than CoQ10 alone. In muscle cells, there was a 144% increase in energy production (ATP)—27% better than CoQ10 alone.

This ideal anti-aging ingredient has many health benefits: Supports male sexual health, Mitochondrial energy booster, increases exercise endurance and overall fitness level, up-regulates steroidogenic genes (Patent Pending), up-regulates genes for collagen synthesis (Patent Pending) and improves the bioavailability of CoQ10.
