Complete Guide to CoQ10

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The Pure TheraPro Team

The Pure TheraPro Education Team is comprised of researchers from diverse backgrounds including nutrition, functional medicine, fitness, supplement formulation & food science. All articles have been reviewed for content, accuracy, and compliance by a holistic integrative nutritionist certified by an accredited institution.
Last updated for accuracy

Coenzyme Q10, commonly known as CoQ10, is a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. As a naturally occurring antioxidant, CoQ10 supports cellular energy production and protects cells from oxidative damage. 

What is CoQ10?

CoQ10, is a fat-soluble compound found in every cell of the human body. It is essential for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary source of energy for cellular processes. CoQ10 exists in two forms: ubiquinone and ubiquinol. Ubiquinone is the oxidized form, while ubiquinol is the reduced, active form. Your body naturally produces CoQ10, but its levels can decrease with age and certain health conditions.

CoQ10 is naturally present in various foods, including:

  • Organ meats (heart, liver, and kidney)
  • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, and sardines)
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables (spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower)
  • Legumes (peanuts and soybeans)
  • Mushrooms

Health Benefits of CoQ10

  • Cardiovascular Health

CoQ10 supports heart health by supporting optimal functioning of your heart muscle and healthy blood pressure levels. It also aids in supporting healthy blood vessel function, contributing to overall cardiovascular wellness.

Your heart requires a constant supply of energy to pump blood effectively, and CoQ10 is crucial for producing ATP, the energy currency of your cells, particularly in your heart muscle cells. By supporting ATP production, CoQ10 helps your heart function efficiently. 

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading cause of death in the United States, with nearly half of all adults in the U.S. having some form of cardiovascular disease. Nearly half of adults in the U.S. have hypertension or are taking medication for it, highlighting the importance of maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the benefits of CoQ10 for heart health, making CoQ10 a valuable nutrient for supporting cardiovascular wellness.

  • Free Radical Fighting Properties

As a powerful free radical fighter, CoQ10 protects cells from oxidative stress from reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radical damage, supporting overall cellular health. Oxidative stress, a major contributor to aging and various chronic diseases, occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body. 

  • Cellular Energy Production

CoQ10 plays a pivotal role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of cells. ATP is essential for powering various cellular processes and supporting your overall energy levels, endurance, and vitality. Your heart, liver, and kidneys, which are highly energy-dependent organs, benefit significantly from adequate CoQ10 levels. 

As you age, your natural production of CoQ10 decreases, potentially leading to reduced energy levels and increased fatigue. By supporting ATP production, CoQ10 can help maintain energy levels, enhance physical performance, and improve quality of life, especially in older adults.

  • Skin Health

CoQ10 supports skin health by promoting collagen production and protecting against UV damage, helping you maintain a youthful and vibrant complexion. Collagen is a key structural protein in the skin that provides firmness and elasticity. As you age, your collagen production declines, leading to the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin. CoQ10 helps combat this process by supporting collagen synthesis and protecting your skin cells from oxidative damage caused by UV exposure. 

By protecting against UV damage and promoting collagen production, CoQ10 can support skin health and contribute to a more youthful appearance, potentially reducing the visible signs of aging.

CoQ10 and Pregnancy

CoQ10 supports maternal health by promoting cellular energy and antioxidant protection. However, it is crucial for pregnant women to consult their healthcare providers before starting any new supplement. Potential benefits for pregnant women include:

  • Antioxidant Properties

During pregnancy, your body's oxidative stress levels can increase due to your higher metabolic demands and hormonal changes. 

By neutralizing free radicals, CoQ10 helps protect both maternal and fetal cells, contributing to a healthier pregnancy. The American Pregnancy Association highlights the importance of antioxidants in supporting a healthy pregnancy, and CoQ10 can play a significant role in this regard.

  • Cellular Energy Production and Overall Vitality

CoQ10 is integral to the production of ATP, the primary energy currency of your cells. By supporting energy production at the cellular level, CoQ10 helps maintain overall vitality and reduces feelings of fatigue, ensuring that your body's organs and systems function efficiently. Pregnancy can be physically demanding, and many women experience increased fatigue as their bodies work to support the growing fetus.  By supporting cellular energy production, CoQ10 can help pregnant women maintain their energy levels and overall vitality, making daily activities more manageable.

  • Skin Health

CoQ10's antioxidant properties also benefit your skin by protecting it from environmental stressors and promoting a youthful appearance. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect the skin, leading to issues such as increased sensitivity, dryness, and the development of stretch marks. CoQ10 supports skin cell regeneration and can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a healthier complexion. Additionally, by supporting collagen production, CoQ10 can help maintain skin elasticity and reduce the severity of stretch marks. 

Statins and CoQ10

Statins are a class of prescription medications used to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. They work by inhibiting an enzyme in the liver called HMG-CoA reductase, which plays a crucial role in the production of cholesterol (and CoQ10!). By reducing the production of cholesterol, statins may help decrease the amount of cholesterol that can build up on the walls of arteries and form plaques, which may lead to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. Commonly prescribed statins include:

  • Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
  • Simvastatin (Zocor)
  • Rosuvastatin (Crestor)
  • Lovastatin (Mevacor)

Statins can reduce the body's natural production of CoQ10. This reduction can lead to lower CoQ10 levels, which may affect cellular energy production and overall health.

Supplementing with CoQ10 while taking statins can help support cellular energy production and maintain overall vitality. It can also support muscle health, as statin use is sometimes associated with muscle discomfort.

Numerous studies have shown that CoQ10 supplementation can support the well-being of individuals taking statins by maintaining CoQ10 levels in the body. This supplementation can contribute to better overall health and reduced statin-associated side effects.

Different Forms of CoQ10

  • Ubiquinone vs. Ubiquinol

CoQ10 exists in two forms: ubiquinone and ubiquinol. Ubiquinone is the oxidized form of CoQ10 and is commonly found in dietary supplements. Once ingested, the body converts ubiquinone into ubiquinol, the reduced and active form that is readily used by the body. Ubiquinol is considered more bioavailable, meaning it is more easily absorbed and utilized by the body's cells compared to ubiquinone, but much more expensive. Note that new research shows the two are likely equally valuable.

  • CoQ10 Gummies

CoQ10 gummies provide a tasty and convenient way to supplement CoQ10, especially for those who dislike swallowing pills. Gummy versions, while tasty and enjoyable, often contain added sugars and other ingredients that may not be suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions or those monitoring their sugar intake. Furthermore, the dosage of CoQ10 in gummies can sometimes be lower than that in capsules or tablets, requiring more gummies to achieve the desired effect, which can add to the overall sugar consumption. Gummies also may contain binders that inhibit the utilization and absorption of CoQ10. It is important for consumers to carefully read labels and consider these factors when choosing the most appropriate form of CoQ10 supplementation.

  • Combining CoQ10 with MicroPQQ

While CoQ10 is well-known for supporting heart health and raising cellular energy production, MicroPQQ is well-known for supporting mitochondrial health and cognitive performance.  

  • Combining CoQ10 with Shilajit

When combined with CoQ10 with MicroPQQ, Shilajit can significantly boost the benefits of all three vitamins.

Shilajit is a natural component highly prized in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits. Mostly found in Himalayan rocks, this material is well known for its mineral content and therapeutic properties. Like sticky tar, Shilajit builds up in the rocks of highlands, especially the Himalayan Mountains. It is the result of centuries-long pressure of minerals and plant material beneath rock strata.

It's known for its energizing effects, supporting balanced testosterone levels, muscle growth, and repair. It can also support menstrual health and hormonal balance in women, alleviate typical issues such as painful and irregular cycles, boost antioxidant stores, and promote healthy skin.

Shilajit enhances the absorption and effectiveness of CoQ10 and MicroPQQ, thanks to its high fulvic acid content. This combination supports healthy brain function, increases general energy, and improves overall health.

Choosing the Best CoQ10 Supplement

  • Purity and Potency

Choose supplements that are free from unnecessary additives and fillers, as these can dilute the potency of the product and may cause unwanted side effects. Look for products with verified potency to ensure you receive the stated amount of CoQ10 per serving. This guarantees that the supplement delivers the benefits you expect, supporting your cellular energy production and overall health.

  • Bioavailability

Bioavailability refers to how well and how quickly a substance is absorbed and utilized by the body. Opt for CoQ10 supplements that use advanced delivery systems or more bioavailable forms of CoQ10, such as ubiquinol or, even better, MicroActive® preparations.

  • Certification and Third-Party Testing

To ensure product quality, safety, and efficacy, select brands that undergo third-party testing and hold certifications from reputable organizations. Third-party testing involves independent laboratories verifying the supplement's ingredients, potency, and purity, ensuring that it meets high standards. Certifications from organizations like NSF International, USP (United States Pharmacopeia), or ConsumerLab provide additional assurance that the product is free from contaminants and accurately labeled. These certifications and tests are crucial for ensuring that you are consuming a safe and effective supplement.

How Long Does CoQ10 Take to Work?

Ubiquinol & MicroActive forms are absorbed more quickly, potentially leading to faster results compared to traditional capsules or tablets.  CoQ10 may interact with blood thinners, chemotherapy drugs, and certain medications. It is crucial to discuss potential interactions with a healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective use.

Best CoQ10 Brand: Pure Thera’s MicroActive® CoQ10

MicroActive® CoQ10 Enhanced with MicroPQQ® + Shilajit is a triple-action heart health and cellular energy support formula specifically designed to support mitochondrial structure and function while supporting energy production.

This unique complex contains highly bioavailable micronutrient forms which are universally absorbed much more effectively when compared to standard CoQ10 & PQQ alone. The combined ingredients are clinically-studied with results showing support for brain and cognitive health.

MicroActive® CoQ10 (24-hour sustained release) is more universally bioavailable, thereby improving its ability to deliver both maintenance and therapeutic doses of CoQ10. It has been proven to double CoQ10 serum levels in 3 weeks among 100% of subjects, making it 3x more bioavailable than crystalline CoQ10. 

MicroPQQ® supports mitochondrial structure and function, and is 2x better absorbed than other forms of PQQ due to its 9+ hour sustained release profile. 

PrimaVie® is an organic, purified Shilajit from the Himalayan mountains, rich in Fulvic Acid to maximize your body's absorption of CoQ10 & PQQ. PrimaVie® shilajit is a nutrient that has been shown to double levels of CoQ10 in mitochondria.

Combining CoQ10 and shilajit produced a 56% increase in energy production in the brain—40% better than CoQ10 alone. And in muscle cells there was a 144% increase in energy production (ATP)—27% better than CoQ10 alone.


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